Solo Project Day Seven: To The Database and Back Again
This is technically the eighth day since I began my solo project, but I didn't do any work on the project on Sunday (although I did do some other web work).
Today was a very productive day for me. I got more done than I expected to, and I made it to MVP (Minimum Viable Product)! I didn't think I'd get to MVP this fast, but I'm glad I did. At Prime, we all get industry mentors to work with, and tomorrow we meet with them to show them our solo projects. I was really hoping I'd have a usable product to show them.
Tasks Accomplished
- Sorted out asynchronous tasks on the login page so that writing data returned from Firebase to the database happened after the data was actually received.
Figured out how to use
to redirect to a new page after login:$location.path('/drafts')
- This one was a doozie. I figured out how to create a new blank Mongoose sub-document upon the press of the "new tweet" button. Here's the code (authFactory is where I'm storing the currently logged in user's data):
// client side
$'/db/draft/newBlank', self.authFactory)
// move info from newly created blank draft into draft factory
self.draftFactory._id =;
self.draftFactory.text =;
self.draftFactory.dateCreated =;
// server side'/draft/newBlank', function(req, res){
User.findOne({ uid: req.body.uid }, function(error, user){
user.drafts.push(new Draft);
} else {;
- I then figured out how to move the edited text of a draft into the database. This was also difficult, as I had to query the database for the specific draft that was being edited, and then update that one. Here's the code:
// client side
self.saveDraft = function(){
$'/db/draft/saveDraft/' + self.draftFactory.text, self.draftFactory);
// server side'/draft/saveDraft/:tweetText', function(req, res){
var query = { 'drafts._id': req.body._id };
var update = { 'drafts.$.text': req.params.tweetText };
var options = { upsert: true, new: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: true };
User.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options, function(error, result){
} else {
- Lastly, I queried the database to display the current user's drafts on the Drafts page in a list.
Tomorrow's task will be mainly styling. I want the app to look nice for my mentors.
Today's Research
getting the id of the newly pushed embedded object
- Stack Overflow
- I needed to get this data when I created a new blank
draft. Turns out, it's just basic JavaScript (
array.length - 1
). I shoulda known. - Factory not keeping data when used in controller - Stack Overflow - This was frustrating. I initially was trying to assign objects directly to my factories, but I found that I had to assign specific values to them instead (see the first client side code example above). I still don't know why I need to do it this way, but I know that it does work.