
A picture of Isaac's face

Hi there, I'm Isaac Halvorson 👋

Thanks for checking out my website. It's good to have you here.

About Me

I grew up in a tiny town in North Dakota, and now reside in Minneapolis, MN, where I do software development for a living.

In my free time, I listen to as much music as possible, tinker with code, read science fiction books, and spend time with my wife and son.


I currently work as a Senior Mobile Infrastructure Engineer at Tandem Diabetes Care, and insulin pump manufacturer.

I've spent most of my professional life working with technology. Before software development, I was an IT support technician and manager, software quality assurance technician, audio producer, and audio engineer.

If you'd like to know more, you can check out my résumé.


In 2011, I graduated from the Institute of Production and Recording with an AAS degree in Audio Production and Recording.

In 2017, I graduated from Prime Digital Academy, fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming a software developer.


Here are all the places you can find me elsewhere:

About This Blog


I've started and stopped blogs many times, but the times I was most consistent was when I was just writing whatever I felt like writing. Personal posts, link posts, music reviews, technical articles; this blog is a mixture of all of those and more. I also plan to re-post some of the blog entries I was smart enough to save, dating back to 2005. I think keeping the format loose will make me more comfortable and interested in writing here.

Technical Details

I've been blogging since middle school on various platforms including Microsoft's "MyPages", Xanga, Wordpress, tumblr, Jekyll, Hexo, back to Jekyll again, and now Hugo.

The site's source code is hosted on GitHub and is built and deployed using Netlify.

DNS and domain management is done using porkbun.


For the design of this blog, I took inspiration from multiple sites. Philosophically, I was inspired by Dan Loewenherz' blog goal of making the site as light as possible. From his about page:

The site uses the latest semantic markup as recommended by the W3C and is built with a 56k modem philosophy in mind (for those who grew up after dial-up, that's a codeword for using as little bandwidth as possible).

My site is not nearly as light as Dan's, but that's the goal I had in mind.

Design inspiration comes from a number of places, including: